Days of the Week

The days of the week are as follows: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. The week is separated by the days people work, and the days people have off. The weekdays are Monday-Friday. People go to their jobs during these days. The weekend is Saturday and Sunday. Some people, though, have different work schedules. Some people have to work on the weekends, and have off during the week. My father is a concierge at an apartment building. He works the night shift. He works Wednesday-Sunday, and has off Monday and Tuesday. Some days, he doesn't even know what day it is! separated : to divide or bring apart weekdays: day of the week other than Saturday/Sunday jobs : paid position of regular employment weekend: Saturday and Sunday, often associated with leisure schedules: arranged events to take place at a certain time concierge: caretaker of an apartment or hotel night shift: period of time scheduled for...