
Showing posts from April, 2018

Brass Instruments

There are several families of musical instruments. They are classified by brass , percussion, strings, and woodwinds. Within the brass family are instruments such as trombone, trumpet, tuba, French horn, and more. These instruments are grouped together because in order to produce sound,  you must produce vibrations with the mouth. These instruments can have low sounds as well as high sounds. They are most typically played in a band. Instruments: object created to produce musical sounds Brass : Musical instruments classified by creating sound with vibrations from the lips Sound: Vibrations that travel and can be heard when they reach a person's ear Vibration: A rapid back-and-forth motion Band: A group of people playing specialized instruments together. Vocabulary Exercise:  There are several families of musical  ________  They are classified by  ______ , percussion, strings, and woodwinds.   Within the brass family are instrum...

Coffee or Tea?

Here is a common  debate between many people: coffee or tea ? Which one is better? Which one is healthier? Why do we drink one over the other? Many people drink coffee because they are sure it has caffeine.  They need caffeine to keep them alert and ready for the day. They also enjoy the bitter  taste that coffee has. People enjoy tea because it has a soothing  effect. It is known to help people when they are sick. A lot of people do not know that most teas also have caffeine. There are many flavors  of both coffee and tea. debate: argument in which both sides have distinct opinions coffee: a drink made from coffee beans, served hot or iced tea: a drink made from crushed tea leaves caffeine: stimulant of the central nervous system bitter: sharp, not sweet, taste soothing: relaxing flavors: different taste of food or drink Vocabulary Exercise argument in which both sides have distinct opinions?      _ _ _ _ _ _ a drink made from...


Something we either love or dislike doing is laundry.   We do laundry when our clothes need to be washed . The process  is easy for most, but difficult for some. First, you take your dirty clothes and put them in a hamper.   Then, you go to the washing machine. You put the clothes in the machine, and add detergent.  Then, you let the machine do the rest. After it is done, you take the wet clothes and put them in the dryer . This dries your clothes for you and leaves them without wrinkles. laundry:  collection of dirty clothes/items that need to be washed washed: cleaned process: order in which something is done hamper: bin or bag where dirty clothes go washing machine: receptacle in which clothes are washed detergent: soapy substance added to a washing machine to wash clothes dryer: receptacle that dries clothing Vocabulary Exercise Grammar Point: Apostrophe We use apostrophes for several different reasons. We use them to show ...